Monday, 29 February 2016

S02E09 - Sample Size

Hey guys

I decided to upload a selection of work I completed for my last semester of my Architectural Degree. The Course was aimed at introducing students to computer aided design concepts including modelling, rendering and compositing theory. 

The objective of the course was to introduce fundamental concepts in 2D, 3D and 3D modelling. This aim was to enable student to utilise computers and create drawings including plans, sections, perspectives and axonometric representations using various Software packages that includes, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Sketchup and 3DS Max

Exercise - Floor Plan
This presentation style floor plans using Photoshop and shade over existing line drawn floor plan with textures, shadows, line weights.

Exercise - Section
This section was enhanced using Photoshop adding entourage and textures over the existing section drawing.

Exercise - Exterior Render
Importing the Sketchup Model I created into 3DS max. Then adding a daylight system and exporting the render into Photoshop to adjust the image with Entourage, textures to create a completed exterior scene

Please comment and let me know what you think

I hope you Enjoy.
The Architect of Tomorrow..

Friday, 5 February 2016

S02E08 - Epilogue

Last week was the deadline for anyone who wanted to enter the Tiny Homes competition, although not realising the deadline and not having a polished presentation panel, I uploaded my design anyway and was fortunate enough to have my design included with the other submissions.

Competition Entry

After submitting my design, I spent the week refining my presentation panel. I needed to complete my elevations and Sections. I added more detail and textures to help improve the overall legibility. I also altered the 3D Perspective to help enforce my idea of the SIPP home being a safe and secure place. This changes were only small but improve the presentations overall legibility.

Presentation Panel

Submitting this assignment completes all the requirements for my Architectural Degree. I can't imagine anything more satisfying than setting a goal and finally reaching it. For me it has always been Architecture, however it has not been without it's dramas. With all the late nights, countless models and hundreds of kilometres, Finally I have done it. 

My Life 2013-2016

I couldn't of done any of this without the support of my Fiancée, her support has been nothing but constant. Even though I still have more study ahead of me, for the next two years I will be focusing all my time and effort with my beautiful Fiancée. I look forward to our Trip across America this year before coming home to plan our Wedding.

Please feel free to share, comment and let me know what you think

I hope you Enjoy.
The Architect of Tomorrow..