Wednesday, 14 October 2015

S01E20* - Overview

This is a Summary of the Blog so far, great to see a lot of views and interest. Please feel free to comment or send any suggestions on future Blog topics. 

I hope you Enjoy.
The Architect of Tomorrow..

Thursday, 8 October 2015

S01E19* - Private Certifiers

Another really busy week at work for me this week, through the chaos I went along to a great information session with Building Approvals and Advice who are the Certifiers we use on a regular basis.

This information session was a great chance to get out of the office and meet the team that help prepare our documentation to ensure our applications are approved.

What is a Private Certifier?

A building certifier checks the building plans provided against all relevant legislation and when the proposed work complies, approves and issues the plans for the proposed building work. This replaces the councils involvement.

The role of any certifier is to help overcome any compliance issues to ensures the best result for our clients. The Roles and responsibilities of a certifier is

- Assess and approve plans relating to new or altered buildings
- Inspect construction work at mandatory stages
- Provide certificates of inspection to the builder following inspections
- Issue enforcement notices on building work when necessary
- Give final certification for a building to be occupied.

however certifiers are not responsible for jobsite supervision, quality control or to ensure a builder complies with their contract.

It is important for certifiers to continue professional development to keep up to date with the latest building practices and legislation this allows them to answer any code and legislation enquiries related to a variety of different projects and applications from

- Shed/Carport
- Deck
- House Extension
- New Home
- Relaxation
- Build Over Sewer
- Raising/Build in

For certifiers to lodge applications they will require Architectural Plans containing sufficient information to assess compliance with the relevant codes and standards, Soil tests, Engineering plans, QBSA Insurance and QLeave information. All this information is required before any documents can be submitted to Council

Architectural Plans
Site plan (Complete site plan showing)
- All boundary measurements marked to wall and eaves The length of each boundary
- Ground levels
- North point
- The Proposed extension clearly marked

Floor plan
- Existing floor plan and proposed floor plan fully dimensioned
- bracing & timber sizes.(if not part of Engineers documents
- The elevations must show height above ground and all materials
- Floor levels and ceiling heights
- Build to boundary

Soil Test 
- A soil test is required for the engineer to be able to design the footings to the Australian Standard.

Engineering Plan
- Slab, footings and steel beam details bracing
- Form 15 for all related work

QBSA Insurance (if value of work is over $3300)- A copy of the Confirmation of QBSA insurance is required before the building work can be approved.

QLeave (if value of work is over $80,000)
- The original certifiers copy of the QLeave document is required before the plans can be approved.

Energy report will be required for habitable rooms
- Form 15 - Energy from Designer